id: 7f44we

Joelson & Meadhbh Baby Girl

Joelson & Meadhbh Baby Girl

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We are not promoting any event for many reasons, but we still want to make it special and we expect it to be a great surprise.

A baby girl is about to join the Joelson's crew!

You are invited to celebrate and contribute to the newest team member 👨🏾‍🍼👶🏼🎀

You can donate as much as you want. The money will be sent to Jojo and Maeve to support the arrival of their little girl 💕

Since we can't have a proper celebration, to mark this date in their memories we are making a special video. If you would like to join, contributing or not, send a quick video to wish them all the best and we will make a compilation to deliver with the funds.

Thanks a million.

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2500 ženklai
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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