id: 4thmj9

Trees for 40 Years: Gift me a tree

Trees for 40 Years: Gift me a tree

Kam šiandien rinksite lėšas?
*Suma išreikšta eurais pagal vidutinį svertinį aukų, paaukotų visomis valiutomis, kursą. Daugiau informacijos taip pat rasite


Turning 40 this year- March 26. Do you want to plant a tree for me?

Last year I did something risky and brilliant. I decided to buy a countryside house with 7 hectares of land to host me, our rescue animals, friends and family, and visitors. The previous owner last year has cut completely all forest, leaving few trees to stand. My dream is to revive the place with oxygen-producing trees, revive the destroyed forest, and recreate the land to become a refuge for wildlife. In the picture, you can see the territory of the land- ready to be regenerated with life and growing trees.

We live in worrying times when it is essential to be a builder of peace and an agent of change with all capacities possible and available. Thus I want to ask for a little help in the form of a gift of a tree. And one day welcome you for a cup of tea among blooming and oxygen-producing trees.

If you have benefited from my work or just want to celebrate building hope and life with me on my 40-year birthday, I would appreciate your generous gift. You can choose how many trees would you like to gift and we will find a space for them and plant them in April this year. We still need to decide on types of trees- but for sure it will be linden trees, birches, oaks, Christmas trees, pine trees, and Alder trees. Each plant's costs start from €6 to several hundred (we want to start with plants that already have been growing for two years in the nursery).

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

May we build a better today through little acts of kindness to our planet and all living beings, human and animal alike!

Aprašymo dar nėra.

Aprašymo dar nėra.

Pinigų dėžutės

Šiai lėšų rinkimo priemonei dar niekas nesukūrė pinigų dėžutės. Jūsų pinigų dėžutė gali būti pirmoji!

Dovanos 25

10 €
Kristīna Guste
5 €
10 €
10 €
10 €
20 €
10 €
20 €
Kristīne Dūdiņa
15 €
10 €
Pamatyti daugiau

Komentarai 2

2500 ženklai