id: 2ea8gm

starting a new life

starting a new life

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Help me get better in life with a fresh start ! 

 Hi , my name is Adalbert , I am 25 years old and I am from Romania ( Europe ) . My 2024 wish is to have a better life with a new start , I am asking you to help me take this 1 big step of my life . 

Few words about myself : 

 Born and raised in Timișoara Romania , i am 25 years now but I'll be 26 in July , I have 2 siblings ,both bigger than me and I only have my mother . My father died when I was 1 year , I never meet him .Living in a small house with my mom .I had to drop school to get jobs so I can help my family .Currently working in an international company but the salary is not enough ( 600 euro / month ) . My job is supply quality technician (14.6k per annum ) I am working in the company for 7 years and tried so many times to get a higher position but because I dropped school I can't get a higher position . I tried other companies but none of them want someone with no education . 

Now, my goal for 2024 is to elevate my life , i need to make a change for me and my family . It's hard to live here and I don't think I can do this anymore , it's exhausting . 

Currently dealing with a loan of 10k euro , took it to help my family to survive 2023 COVID ... I don't ask for the loan , I ask for a fresh start . I want to move somewhere where I can double or triple my actual salary even if that means I have to wash floors . Asking for 2-3 months of rent payments .

I took an online course hoping to elevate my knowledge and skills, project manager on Udemy, but unfortunately the diploma is not recognized, so I only get the skills and knowledge and not the accreditation to work on the field . 

With all being said , I want to thank you for your time and help . It means a lot to me

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2500 ženklai
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