id: 276exd

34 Years Old and Battling Chronic Pain Every Day

34 Years Old and Battling Chronic Pain Every Day

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I am 34 years old and suffer from Psoriatic Arthritis, enduring severe pain every day. My medications cost over $1000 a month. Currently, my insurance covers these costs because I am still able to work. However, my pain worsens week by week, and the restrictions in my hands make it increasingly difficult to perform my office job. Besides medication, a warmer climate significantly alleviates my symptoms.

Therefore, I have made the decision to move to Spain with my family. In Spain, there is affordable health insurance, and the climate helps ease my pain. Unfortunately, moving is very expensive, and I simply cannot afford it. Additionally, my illness leaves me too exhausted to take on more work.

I am deeply grateful to anyone who can help me with a donation, big or small, to make this dream a reality and allow me to move to Spain. Thank you all so much!

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