id: wez99k

Hosting facilities for volunteers working with youth

Hosting facilities for volunteers working with youth

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We are an NGO working with rural youth, offering non-formal education activities in 3 privately owned run youth centers in rural Romania. Besides daily activities we run the first mobile youth center reaching youngsters in remote areas, organise a big Rural Youth Festival, renovate old spaces and make them available for young people. All the workload is based on volunteering support from young people from all around Europe. Unfortunately, our local community doesn't have hosting facilities appropriate to host groups of young people that arre coming to help our mission. We would like to gather funds for building spaces that can host volunteers coming from abroad!

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Scaricate l'applicazione mobile e raccogliete fondi per il vostro obiettivo ovunque vi troviate!


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2500 caratteri
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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