id: tn8ke6

My life is broke

My life is broke

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im 32 and at the age of 21 i got a kid in Japan because a Japanese lay to me on have precautions. Japanese who treat me horrible, I’m divorced. Imagine be far away of your kid and then expend your savings on the travel to Japan, without relationship… nothing. All was horrible history. After I had just 2 girlfriends, I just broke with the last. (Always money issues)

I can’t work I have a severe depression. I just broke with my girlfriend because this. At my age I don’t have any motivation. I like produce music, and I need a travel right now, I don’t even have a place to stay for a long. Help me please.

Non c'è ancora una descrizione.

Non c'è ancora una descrizione.


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Non ci sono ancora donazioni, sii il primo a donare!



2500 caratteri
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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