id: rf8vrv

Goal to buy playstation 5

Goal to buy playstation 5

Per cosa raccoglierete fondi oggi?
*Importo espresso in euro in base al tasso medio ponderato delle donazioni effettuate in tutte le valute. Per ulteriori dettagli visitate anche


Help me with my goal to get Playstation 5.

It's my dream to play on PS5 and I am having really tough time at home so it's impossible for me to get it by my own. Any donations would be much appreciated.


I'm a student and I live with my mother and brother. My father left us and my mother years ago had back injury so she can't walk. So I study and work, but I help my family with money and can't afford a ps5 because it's I spend money on everything else more important. And I would be glad if somebody helped me to get a ps5, so me and my little brother could play games and we could had a little escape from a trouble or problems we have.

Non c'è ancora una descrizione.

Non c'è ancora una descrizione.

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