id: nu24tr

I made mistake but the price is too hight

I made mistake but the price is too hight

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*Importo espresso in euro in base al tasso medio ponderato delle donazioni effettuate in tutte le valute. Per ulteriori dettagli visitate anche


Hello my dear, 

I'm going kindly to ask you for help. I work honestly and hard all my life, but this period I got to serious problem.

All my life I live within money stress, I wanted make better my life but it turned out exactly the opposite. Many years I red about one financial system what generate profit, I trusted it. Then I met platform with this system, I researched it for long time, it seemed very trustable, I went in. First I had credit my account on this system, then I had to pay for credit card for to use the money, then I had pay for shippment, for customs fees, I waited my parcel, support of this platform comunicated with me, nothing seemed wird... I stopped when I had to pay for shippment second time and then fees for delay, now I cannot withdraw money or get it back. I can see it was scam, very sofisticatde. The worst think is that it was borrowed money, a loan from friend, from bank, from credit card. I was scamed but I must pay back this money. It´s 36600 eur. This is beyond me, it' s dept till all my life. Before my life was hard but now it's crazy. I have anxiety, I sleep bad I 'm desperade and panic blocks my body and brain, I cannot think normally what to do and how to make another money for pay back, only big panic works, my live is desbtroyed, my health isn´t well, my relationships with my friends are going through a rough patch. Today I can see I was stupid but the price for this mistake is too hight!

If you understand me, please, can you help me and give me the money?

Thank you, so much and God bless you!

Or my PayPal:

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Scaricate l'applicazione mobile e raccogliete fondi per il vostro obiettivo ovunque vi troviate!
Scaricate l'applicazione mobile e raccogliete fondi per il vostro obiettivo ovunque vi troviate!


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