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Descrizione del salvadanaio

hello dear brothers and sisters. allow me to call you that because I see my salvation on this very portal that you, wealthier than the rest of us, are interested in. what I am about to describe as a horror, I did not make it up and I swear to God that I am telling the truth and if not , so may God punish me. I'll start from birth. I was born forty-one years ago, into a family of scrappers who sharpened knives and scissors and repaired umbrellas. We had a good time. Communists were in power and everything was cheap and available, even if I'm not a supporter communism. My father and mother kept me in school for the whole working week and on Saturdays and Sundays they took me home and fulfilled all my childhood needs. I was a condescending child with the teachers, because in my childhood I slept well and was the last child who liked me and as a special school, we didn't get along very well with everyone, I even went to visit the director until I was sixteen. Before the school was closed and today apartments and family houses have been built there. My father died of severe pain from cancer when I was thirteen years old. We stayed I am alone with my mother, my mother started to be treated for depression, she stopped working and still takes care of me when she is dying. She started to make debts to people to help me have something safe and even to this day when I borrow and no one wants to lend to us anymore because it's going on all the time and people don't like it anymore. I don't know what to do, maybe I should try to help you dear Christian brothers and sisters. I was also a patronizing bastard at school, I call myself that because I'm a bastard, I'm never thankful for that that I was popular and brought up in cotton wool, I really didn't achieve anything in my life. At school, the teachers used to hate me because I sang songs about the waltz and family, which my dad and mom used to sing to each other, I found out that I was popular and I took the web to be a dude. similar bastards like me used to like me. which we would never say. everything was good, I didn't know cigarettes or alcohol and hard drugs were no longer born from my peers. everything started to go wrong after visiting a spa where I was treated for obesity and asthma, which, among other things, I still suffer from today. I learned smoking and drinking there after I fell madly and vainly in love with the only girl. I was in a heap of unhappiness when I got home. I started arguing with my mother, I had problems and it was difficult as an alcoholic luckily, I got out of it myself after twelve years. In the meantime, my mother got very old and became very ill, both physically and mentally. Another disaster happened, and that was that our state-owned apartment was demolished by a very angry owner, who at first tried to get rid of us. to move out of the apartment, the family never helped us, we never got along with them, so I was alone for a few people, to make it short, the owner, who has contacts with editors and is powerful, had me examined, it turned out that I have not been heterosexual for a long time, he monitored me with with him he marked my steps and he started to mentally put us against the times, all just to the will of the apartment in which we live to this day, but we have had a good reputation for a long time, everything about me can be seen thanks to watching and eavesdropping, absolutely the tenants here sent us to the ground through the owners who are influential and rich. the only thing I have proven is that I had to stop my mother when she was afraid of his threats and I was not, because I was not used to his actions and I verbally stood up to the whole house even at the cost of falling, I knew that in advance but I couldn't leave my mother in it!! thanks to their reconciliation and constant insults and insults from their side. I got acute schizophrenia and my treatment lasted 17 years, when I now take medicine only to be able to rise above it and not do anything to these people. I have not achieved anything in my life and neither I can't reach it, I'm used to the fact that I receive alms from the disabled pensioner and I'm at home from morning to evening, my mother and I wait every day for the nurse who brings us a scrap of lunch. I am not able to repay her for her love, because I was never taught to do anything, let alone go to work. It is quite bad for both of us to deal with such

for both of us to deal with such cases as we simply do not think. What do you think? how does it all end? how will it turn out. I need any amount and I can at least provide my mother with an otherwise often unworthy medical care, which in our country is only available for the rich. my mother will die and I will live as a homeless person in the forest knowing that I have not even been able to help my mother. can you help us financially, is everything good?

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Donare un salvadanaio
Questo salvadanaio contribuisce al saldo della raccolta fondi: Sp. z o.o. al. Karkonoska 59, 53-015 Wrocław, Polska. Partita IVA: 8992796896, KRS: 0000634168. Capitale sociale: PLN 550.000. Fornitore di servizi di pagamento autorizzato nell'Unione Europea dall'Autorità di vigilanza finanziaria polacca (UKNF). Per saperne di più non è solo una piattaforma di crowdfunding (crowdfunding - finanziamento sociale di un progetto scelto) e una piattaforma di fundraising (fundraising - raccolta di fondi attraverso il sostegno di individui, aziende, fondazioni). È prima di tutto un borsellino virtuale in cui tutti coloro che sono interessati a un obiettivo specifico contribuiscono: una raccolta di beneficenza, per un regalo, per un progetto/azienda, per un viaggio con gli amici - siete voi a definire l'obiettivo. In un certo senso, è un mix di piattaforme come Kickstarter o Indiegogo con il portafoglio virtuale più famoso del mondo, PayPal. Una raccolta fondi può essere organizzata da un individuo, un'azienda, una fondazione o un'istituzione. Create una raccolta fondi, invitate i vostri amici e scoprite quanto è facile raccogliere fondi online!
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