Green Economy Wood working- buying back furniture with discount for new one.
Green Economy Wood working- buying back furniture with discount for new one.
Per cosa raccoglierete fondi oggi?
Hello to all of You! My name is Andrius, I am from Lithuania. I have a big idea how to deal with constant consuming in our beloved Planet Earth. I am starting woodworker and I often see how mutch pieces of furniture is thrown away or even worse is being used for fireplace. I want to change it! I want to start business in which it would be possible to rent furniture for several years and after that recycle it into making new one! If You would like to buy it for Your self, sure why not! And after a year, two or even more, You would be welcome to exchange it for another new with opportunity to recycle Your old one with a discount for new one! I have some ideas with sawdust too, how to make em into stylish interior decoration for Your beloved plants!

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