id: gv5knr

I want to buy a van and doing transportation, I finished my masters degree and I didn’t get any job so I am planing to start my small own business I have some savings and I need some more money to start my business so kindly help me out.

I want to buy a van and doing transportation, I finished my masters degree and I didn’t get any job so I am planing to start my small own business I have some savings and I need some more money to start my business so kindly help me out.

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*Importo espresso in euro in base al tasso medio ponderato delle donazioni effettuate in tutte le valute. Per ulteriori dettagli visitate anche


I am name is Niroshan Ganesu 29 years old and I am staying in spain and I finished my masters and didn’t get any job so I am planing to start my own small business so I have some money and I need some more to buy a van and doing transportation. I will be very thankful if I get help from this. And I am planing to develop my business.

thank you.

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