id: gpfhge

Mastectomy for non-binary Ragu from Poland

Mastectomy for non-binary Ragu from Poland

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I'm Ragney (but everyone calls me Ragu). I'm from Warsaw, Poland. Every day i have to deal with breast dysphoria. I want to finally feel good in my body but mastectomy is very expensive (over 20 000 PLN, i barely earn half of it in the whole year) so i decided to create a fundraiser so i can start my medical transition. I work but I earn less than a minimum wage in Poland. I'm a student and i can only have part-time job. I'm really desperate to do the top surgery as soon as it is possible - dysphoria makes me depressed and because of having breasts I'm often misgendered in work, university etc even if i look androgynous or masculine. Wearing a binder all the time isn't good solution: I work at the bike long hours (food delivery).

On a daily basis, dysphoria fuels my eating disorder and in episodes of depression only makes my condition worse. My dream is to look in the mirror and finally see a flat chest and not worry about whether my breasts will grow if I start eating normally. I would like to be able to shower normally without growing hatred for my body.

All money will be spent on mastectomy in Gyneka clinic in Kraków or in Solumed in Poznań - I'll decide soon. I can't do top surgery in Warsaw (where I'm from) because all clinics here require a lot of documentation with F.64 diagnosis (I have only one) and I can't afford more paid counsultations with doctors to confirm that I'm trans. Costs of top surgery include:

• Consultation with surgeon ( ~300 PLN + train)

• Top surgery (don't know the price yet because prices and costs of living go higher and higher every month)

• Surgery aftercare

I have already collected some money but I'll need them when I won't be able to work for 2 months after the surgery.

Sorry for any language mistakes, english isn't main language.

Thank you! / ¡Gracias! / Merci beaucoup! / Danke Schön! / Grazie! / Dziękuję!

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