id: bzeybz

Traveling with infant around the Europe and USA

Traveling with infant around the Europe and USA

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Hi, my name is Kate (Katarzyna).

My little star was born in May this year. And all people around me Just keep talking that I shouldn't travel with my doughter becouse they said so.

So I wanna prove them wrong, and take my husband and my little Marianna almost around the World. And watch all this haters burning inside.

Yes, I am afraid of flying or open Water, but i will fight my fears.

So,pleas help me. And maybe some day we will catch up somewhere.

Non c'è ancora una descrizione.

Non c'è ancora una descrizione.

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Scaricate l'applicazione mobile e raccogliete fondi per il vostro obiettivo ovunque vi troviate!
Scaricate l'applicazione mobile e raccogliete fondi per il vostro obiettivo ovunque vi troviate!


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