id: a3eryp

Brain tumor surgery and treatment after

Brain tumor surgery and treatment after

Per cosa raccoglierete fondi oggi?
*Importo espresso in euro in base al tasso medio ponderato delle donazioni effettuate in tutte le valute. Per ulteriori dettagli visitate anche


Hello everyone, I would like to raise funds for my brother's brain tumor surgery. The tumor is very rare - Chordoma, the operation is very difficult and he is currently in a critical situation. The surgery will occur in Bamberg, Germany because my country does not have specialized doctors for this type of surgery. After the surgery it is necessary to continue treatment and for that to happen I will need your help :) Thank you in advance!

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Donazioni 1

Dati nascosti


2500 caratteri
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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