id: 8g7mdb

For my mother, have diagnostic cancer in bones and lost job. I'm student and i haven't money for health care

For my mother, have diagnostic cancer in bones and lost job. I'm student and i haven't money for health care

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Hi I'm a student and I'm doing a collection for my mom and me. Because of the cancer she was diagnosed with 3 years ago. And so far she is struggling and we are running out of funds and we are not slow for ourselves our expenses are increasing and the state has bailed on us and we have to rely on ourselves. And now we can't handle it, I know everyone can write it and even fake it I just can't handle it anymore and when one sees her family member suffering it makes me want to cry. Thank you for any help, I apologize for the bad translation from English, because I don't speak English well.

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Non c'è ancora una descrizione.


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