id: sgkvvd

Help Ukraine and stop Putin terror.

Help Ukraine and stop Putin terror.


Millions of people in Ukraine are facing an imminent humanitarian crisis. They are in urgent need of medical supplies and relief as they face the prospect of renewed conflict. Please help them now.


A further Russian invasion will be catastrophic for the civilian population. The elderly, vulnerable, children and families are at risk of losing their homes and access to medical and other vital services. The psychological trauma of war will affect generations.


This fundraise is 2 part:

1. Fundrise suplies to civilians. (Medical suplies, clothes)

1.Fundrise suplies to army. (4x4 cars, first aid kits)

The more we collect, the more we'll be able to help - particularly with the longer-term impacts of hostilities, displacement and poverty on families, children, the elderly and those with special needs.

Thank you for donation!

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Aún no hay descripción.

Ventajas de las donaciones periódicas:
El Organizador recibe el 100% de tus fondos - no cobramos ninguna comisión
Usted mantiene el control total: puede interrumpir la asistencia en cualquier momento sin ninguna obligación.
El organizador puede centrarse plenamente en su trabajo
Obtendrás acceso permanente a los puestos y una distinción especial
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2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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