id: xhap79

Let's help Premature Babies together - offering hope and embracing their future with love

Let's help Premature Babies together - offering hope and embracing their future with love

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Today's Prematures, Tomorrow's Future!

We aim to make a significant contribution to these children so that they can become preschoolers, students, teenagers, and future integral members of society.

The campaign continues and can act in favor of these children; they need us NOW, and ONLY together can we help them!

Choose to believe in the power of superheroes!

Our story began on a May evening in 2014, which marked the start of the marathon in which we wholeheartedly supported BMic's fight. A tough battle for a tiny human, with a 1% chance of survival, a lesson in ambition, willpower, and strength, from which we drew our source of patience and confidence that everything would be fine, something we needed so much. Therefore, in 2017, we founded the Chance for Future Children Foundation with the aim of changing the future for the better for every child with psycho-neuromotor issues.

Since its establishment, the Chance for Future Children Foundation has successfully implemented over 12 projects, through which we have managed to assist more than 450 direct beneficiaries, including children with disabilities, prematurely born children, as well as their parents. We have offered personalized sessions of neuromotor therapy, speech therapy, psychological counseling, parental counseling, etc., tailored to the needs of each child and their family. This support has had a significant impact on the well-being of the little beneficiaries, contributing to their optimal development as well as improving the quality of life for the entire family.

While early intervention is a guiding concept in the philosophy and strategies of pediatric services abroad, encompassing social protection, health, and education, such programs are limited in number here.

Did you know that 10% of all births annually in Romania are premature?... And prematurity is a leading cause of disabilities among children?

This is where we step in, through the project "Today's Prematures, Tomorrow's Future!" offering, with your help, sessions of neuromotor therapy to preterm infants and those who have been hospitalized for extended periods in Neonatal Intensive Care Units and specialized recovery centers.


"Their rescue means trauma in other areas. Some of them have neurological repercussions, and medical rehabilitation is necessary. It's best for them to start right in the ward. Through this project, we have the extraordinary opportunity to have recovery assistance in the ward (...) These children leave the hospital with recovery assistance, specifically physiotherapy, which is very important." - Dr. Catalin Cirstoveanu - NICU - M.S. Curie.

For what?

The main long-term benefit is supporting children in recovering developmental delays by realigning their bodies, acquiring essential motor skills, regaining range of motion, strength, muscle endurance, improving coordination, control, and balance, re-educating sensitivity, and correcting respiratory deficits.



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Aún no hay descripción.

Ventajas de las donaciones periódicas:
El Organizador recibe el 100% de tus fondos - no cobramos ninguna comisión
Usted mantiene el control total: puede interrumpir la asistencia en cualquier momento sin ninguna obligación.
El organizador puede centrarse plenamente en su trabajo
Obtendrás acceso permanente a los puestos y una distinción especial
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Es más fácil de lo que crees :)


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Donation & Thanks
Thank You For Your Support
Thank you for your support!Your generous contributions help us to provide essentially recovery sessions for premature babies. Thanks to your kindness,...
5 €

Donativos 1

Datos ocultos
3 €


2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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