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Ajutor pentru Mădălina
Ajutor pentru Mădălina
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At the age when other little girls dream of dresses, the first phone or the first bottle of perfume, Mădălina wants to run the most. The multiple ailments with which the little girl was born, have prevented her from seeing her dream come true until now. Together we can help Mădălina walk, with a donation

 She is 10 years old and has a lot of dreams that she is sure she will fulfill when she is able to walk. But walking for the doll-faced girl is conditional on a series of complex operations, on both legs, which can be done at a private clinic in Turkey. Their cost: 20,000 euros.

The girl was born with four serious conditions

Nxq4BA02B0bOKcsf.jpgMădălina was born with a bag of fluid at the base of the spine. Medically called myelomeningocele, this is the most serious form of spina bifida.

uj5BHh7YaHDQbzIi.jpgIn addition, the little girl was also diagnosed with hydrocephalus, but also with neurological dislocation of the left hip and bilateral gennu flexum.

Moreover, immediately after the birth, the doctors informed the little girl's parents that their little girl would have health problems all her life and, above all, that she would never walk. No fewer than four operations and months spent in intensive care followed. Then years of therapy and physical therapy. However, Mădălina still cannot walk.

Hope comes from Turkey, but it comes at a price to match

But hope for a normal life came recently from a private clinic in Turkey. Here, Mădălina's family was presented with several operations on both legs, performed in the same surgical intervention, as medical solutions for the girl's problems: complex osteotomy on the right knee, arthrodesis of the middle joint on both legs and achilloplasty on both legs. But their price is colossal for Cornelia and Lucian, the child's mother and father: 20,000 euros.Uzi00zcL6XNZ9jnc.jpg

"If I do this operation everything will change. I'm not going to stay in bed anymore, I'm going to have friends, I'm going to run, I'm going to do everything I haven't done before and I'm going to fix everything", Mădălina is convinced.

 Together we can help Mădălina take the first steps towards healing,❤️‍🩹 Thank you🙏🏻

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fondos recaudados a través de la hucha
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Esta hucha contribuye al saldo de la recaudación: Sp. z o.o. al. Karkonoska 59, 53-015 Wrocław, Polska. Número de IVA: 8992796896, KRS: 0000634168. Capital social: 550.000 PLN. Proveedor de servicios de pago autorizado en la Unión Europea por la Autoridad Polaca de Supervisión Financiera (UKNF). leer más es una herramienta para organizar tu propia recaudación de fondos para cualquier causa elegida, de forma gratuita, sin cuotas. no es sólo una plataforma de crowdfunding (crowdfunding - financiación social de un proyecto elegido) y una plataforma de recaudación de fondos (fundraising - recaudación de dinero mediante el apoyo a particulares, empresas, fundaciones). Es, ante todo, un monedero virtual al que contribuyen todos los interesados en un objetivo concreto: una colecta benéfica, para un regalo, para un proyecto / negocio, para un viaje con amigos... tú defines el objetivo. En cierto modo, es una mezcla de plataformas como Kickstarter o Indiegogo con el monedero virtual más famoso del mundo, PayPal. Una recaudación de fondos puede ser creada por un particular, una empresa, una fundación o una institución. Crea una recaudación de fondos, invita a tus amigos y comprueba lo fácil que es recaudar dinero en Internet.
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