id: jwxbbz

New DSLR camera /second hand/

New DSLR camera /second hand/

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Hello, I am photo enthusiast from Varna, Bulgaria. I like capturing the beauty of the ligh .....I've done lots of photos and think I had become good at what I am doing. For now i own a Canon 1000d camera which I bought for 80 eur from some people when I was working in Nethelands, though it has a lot things broken on the outside I am still using it till I put money aside for slightly better upgrade as the mirrror ssystem of it is really dusty and scratched..... till now I have 150eur but became jobless... so I decided that a new camera will give my photos not only artistic but also and material value so I can earn by my own.I will be very grateful for your support. Here is a link to my FB page /its private so please ask for invite/

where you can see my photographs.

Recently a friend offers a slightly better Canon 1300d with two lenses, bag and statief for 400eur, and I dont want to miss that opportunity.

Thsnk you in advance! Love!

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Aún no hay descripción.


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Aún no hay donaciones, ¡sé el primero en donar!



2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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