id: jvg9c7

Save "hajó" our loved car 🥺

Save "hajó" our loved car 🥺

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*Importe expresado en euros sobre la base del tipo medio ponderado de las donaciones efectuadas en todas las divisas. Para más información, visite


We bought a house and pay the taxes but we got another tax that we can't pay in one sum. We don't know where's this tax from but we don't have this kind of money. The low salary isn't enough we earn 620 euros per month and we need to buy food and pay the bills from it. They don't let us pay in installment payment because it's higher than 1 million huf. If we can't pay they take our car "hajó". She's not just a car she is our famíly member. Where is the helping car community? You know how much a car means to us. She is too important and we don't wanna lose her.

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Aún no hay descripción.

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Descarga la aplicación móvil y recauda fondos para tu objetivo estés donde estés.
Descarga la aplicación móvil y recauda fondos para tu objetivo estés donde estés.


2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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