id: f8wkuw

Insulation and replacement of the roof of my parents' house

Insulation and replacement of the roof of my parents' house

¿para qué vas a recaudar fondos hoy?
*Importe expresado en euros sobre la base del tipo medio ponderado de las donaciones efectuadas en todas las divisas. Para más información, visite


As Tom, the son of a hardworking family, I am writing to you today with a heartfelt plea. Our home, the place where countless memories were made, is in desperate need of insulation and a new roof. The harsh weather conditions have taken a toll, and my parents, who have always put us before themselves, can't afford these necessary repairs.

Growing up in this house has been a blessing, but it has also exposed us to the biting cold during winters and unbearable heat during summers. My parents have done everything they could to make our lives comfortable, sacrificing their own needs for ours. Now, it's time for me to step up and help them create a warmer and safer haven.

I've initiated a fundraiser with the hope of collecting enough funds to insulate the house and replace the roof. The cost is considerable, and we can't do it alone. Every donation, no matter how big or small, will go a long way in transforming our home into a sanctuary that will protect us from the harshness of the external elements.

Your generosity could mean the world to our family. It's not just about having a well-insulated home; it's about preserving the love and warmth that this house holds for us. It's about ensuring that my parents have a comfortable and secure place to grow old together.

If you find it in your heart to contribute to our cause, please send further our fundraising page or make a donation. Your kind act will pave the way for a brighter future for my parents and me.

But even if you are unable to donate at this time, spreading the word and sharing our story can be just as valuable. Together, we can create a ripple effect of kindness that will inspire others to help us and, in turn, lend a hand to those in need within our community.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to read this heartfelt plea. Your support means more to us than words can express. Let's come together and make a difference in the lives of my parents and our beloved home.

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2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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