id: e6ata6

Save my house

Save my house

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Hello. My name is Veronica. I need your help because I am about to lose my house! In 2022 I gave birth to a boy! But he has medical problems. I have done everything was needed for him and now he is a little better. But in the process I couldn't pay my loans to the banks. And now they are forcing me to pay. I already try to sell the house but is really dificult to sell it because of the problems with the banks. And I can't pay the loans and go with my boy to the terapies. Please help me save my house so I can stay focus and help my little boy and take care of my biggest one. I know the amount is very big but anything will help! Thank you again for your help

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2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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