id: 9ygj8p

Fulfilling my dreams while I have time :)

Fulfilling my dreams while I have time :)

¿para qué vas a recaudar fondos hoy?
*Importe expresado en euros sobre la base del tipo medio ponderado de las donaciones efectuadas en todas las divisas. Para más información, visite


Hello :) My name is Rafał and I turn 38 this year. For 18 years I have had a nasty friend in my life, his name is Ankylosing spondylitis. For those who don't know what it is, let me briefly explain that it is an autoimmune rheumatic disease involving stiffening and fusion of the spine. The disease is not usually rare, and I would also like to add that we are inseparable from pain. I have always tried to live a "normal" life and my life motto was that others have it worse and survive :)

I work actively, I provide for my family and 4 fur coats 😅 (3 adoptees) it's not great but we manage :)

I am currently taking part in clinical trials and physically I am temporarily in remission :)

However, like every person, healthy or sick, I have my passions and dreams. And my passion are electric scooters, which give me a substitute for the freedom of riding a motorcycle, which, due to certain mobility limitations, I can only look at. I currently have a city scooter that I could afford :)

Dreams, as we know, can be expensive and therefore often out of reach... And I dream of Nami Burn E2 MAX so that my escape from problems could last longer, take me further and, above all, be more comfortable and safer And I am asking you to help me make this dream come true :) Thank you in advance to everyone, best regards and see you on the route :)


Aún no hay descripción.

Aún no hay descripción.



Nadie ha creado aún una hucha para esta recaudación. ¡Tu hucha puede ser la primera!


aún no hay donaciones, ¡sé el primero en donar!

Aún no hay donaciones, ¡sé el primero en donar!



2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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