id: 9sw228

Help to leave turkey

Help to leave turkey

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Please help my family to leave turkey. My family can’t visit me because it’s not allowed for them to get out of turkey.

They can’t get a Visa for Switzerland. My fiancé have much dept and loose his job. He can’t take care of the kids. The government want to take the kids away from him. It’s such a bad situation and I pray to the lord that we can get some helping hands. Sometimes they don’t eat. He work 14 hours every day but it’s not enough. He is poor and struggle a lot. I do what I can but I don’t earn enough money. He can’t pay the rent anymore and in 2 months he must leave the apartment. Please help us. We are desperate.

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Aún no hay descripción.


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Aún no hay donaciones, ¡sé el primero en donar!



2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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