id: 7c38em

Hope for chinchillas

Hope for chinchillas

¿para qué vas a recaudar fondos hoy?
*Importe expresado en euros sobre la base del tipo medio ponderado de las donaciones efectuadas en todas las divisas. Para más información, visite


Dear friends! These are very difficult financial times for the Puchaty Patrol. We have to pay invoices for the expensive treatments of our dental patients.

The last costs of their treatment amounted to almost PLN 1,500! What's more, many more visits are on the horizon. In addition, we constantly incur the costs of maintaining a large number of chinchillas. We recently bought a mixture of herbs for about PLN 4,000! The herbs will last us for about a quarter, but we also need: hay, food, supplements... we also have to add utility fees, which also keep us awake at night. During the last fundraising, we managed to collect as much money as we planned, for which we are extremely grateful to you. We believe that this time it will be successful as well. We know that we are constantly asking you for help, but we are still short of money to support our pupils.

Hence, we are asking you for at least a symbolic donation. Every contribution, even the smallest one, is invaluable help for us and our chinchillas.

Aún no hay descripción.

Aún no hay descripción.


aún no hay donaciones, ¡sé el primero en donar!

Aún no hay donaciones, ¡sé el primero en donar!



2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

Aún no hay comentarios, ¡sé el primero en comentar!