id: 6ce2ur

A better life for my daughter

A better life for my daughter


Hello everyone and thank you for paying attention to my fundraiser, my name is Tranca Marius Vasile, I'm 27 years old and I'm a single father with a 4-year-old girl, I work at a fast-food restaurant in my city from where I support my family and daily needs, I don't want you to misunderstand me, my life is a dream together with my daughter, but the financial situation does not allow me to lead a healthy life with my daughter, besides the beautiful moments we also have many shortcomings that I am not yet able to exceed, as you know, being healthy means eating healthy, but healthy food and personal care are more expensive than I can afford, if I had extra help I could cover the holes that have accumulated over time, thank you anticipated for help.
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Aún no hay descripción.

Ventajas de las donaciones periódicas:
El Organizador recibe el 100% de tus fondos - no cobramos ninguna comisión
Usted mantiene el control total: puede interrumpir la asistencia en cualquier momento sin ninguna obligación.
El organizador puede centrarse plenamente en su trabajo
Obtendrás acceso permanente a los puestos y una distinción especial
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Es más fácil de lo que crees :)


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2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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