id: 649x73

Märt Saar: Celebrating his life and supporting his family

Märt Saar: Celebrating his life and supporting his family

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Märt Saar - son, brother, husband, dad, a dear friend to many but, above all, a beloved child of God!

Märt passed away tragically on the 23rd of December, after couple of months of batteling an aggressive and quickly developing mental illness.

When asked about what the greatest commandment was, Jesus summed them up by saying: Love God with your whole heart and love your neighbor as yourself. Märt did both so well. He left a legacy - in Estonia, Finland and beyond.


We are all mourning and grieving the tragic death of Märt. Nothing we can do, will bring him back, but we will see him again one day. Husband to Greta, father of his five daughters - Wilma, Noomi, Viira, Mirtel and Ilse, he will be dearly missed. 


The goal for this fundraiser is to cover the unexpected financial burden of organizing Märts funeral in Finland. Any money left over will help the Saar family with daily expenses as they try and adjust to this incredible loss. 

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2500 caracteres