id: 2ab3y3

Life Repair

Life Repair

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In a crazy times, between to jobs, trying to collect some money to repair my life and live normaly.

Helping family in Croatia, I just got in a place which I dont like. Also need to finish what I started with my teeth, I have time now, but dont have money.

It would be really helpfull for you to take some time to read this and if you can help with one Euro, it would be nice.

Dont want to cry too much, just- I need help, my cats are eating more than I do. 😅😇🐈🐈‍⬛

Have a wonderfull day,


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Descarga la aplicación móvil y recauda fondos para tu objetivo estés donde estés.


2500 caracteres
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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