id: 255ybx

Support the Brazilian singer Gloria Lopo overcoming her autoimmune disease!

Support the Brazilian singer Gloria Lopo overcoming her autoimmune disease!




Help Glória Lopo overcome her illness: 

Join Our Crowdfunding Campaign! 

Dear Friends, 

I hope this message finds you well. 

Today, I reach out to you on behalf of our dear friend, the incredibly talented Brazilian artist and singer, Glória Lopo. 

Glória is currently facing an immense challenge as she battles against a debilitating autoimmune disease that has plagued her for years. 

Despite her unwavering spirit and determination, Glória finds herself in a dire situation. The severity of her illness requires expensive medications just to manage her pain and maintain a basic quality of life. Unfortunately, due to recent government policies and the economic impact of the pandemic, Glória has been left without the necessary support to afford her treatments and daily needs. 

Glória's condition has deteriorated to the point where she is unable to work and relies solely on the support of her brother to cover her basic living expenses. Her mobility is severely limited, and she recently lost her adapted bicycle, which was her only means of transportation. 

In addition to her ongoing medical expenses, Glória urgently needs to undergo knee and femur surgeries, as well as addressing recent oncological issues. The cost of these procedures, along with the required pre-operative exams, is beyond her financial means. 

Despite facing such tremendous challenges, Glória remains optimistic and determined to overcome this hurdle. She is eager to continue fighting for a better tomorrow and has graciously offered tarot readings in exchange for any assistance provided. 

To support Glória in her time of need, we have launched a crowdfunding campaign. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a meaningful difference in Glória's life and help her access the medical care she desperately requires. 

If you are able to contribute, please consider making a donation to the following bank account: 


BR31 0036 0305 0149 8856 0737 314P 1 


Caixa Econômica Federal 

Account Holder: 

Maria da Glória Coutinho Pardo 


[email protected] 


+55 71 99619 6886 

Your generosity and support will provide Glória with the opportunity to receive the treatment she needs and continue her journey towards recovery. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out. 

Thank you for your attention and consideration. Together, we can make a difference in Glória's life. 

With heartfelt gratitude, 

Cristina Faro & Friends


Glória has rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia. 

The regular medication she needs is: 

• Deflazacort 30mg 

• Torsilax

• Apresoline 

• Cyclobenzaprine 

• Vitamins C, D3, A, E 

• Omega 3 

• Collagen: hydrolysed type 1, type 2, 3 (marrow), 4 and 5

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