id: ug29xx

Get my life back

Get my life back

Για ποιο σκοπό θα κάνετε έρανο σήμερα;
*Ποσό εκφρασμένο σε ευρώ με βάση τη μέση σταθμισμένη τιμή των δωρεών σε όλα τα νομίσματα. Για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες επισκεφθείτε επίσης το



I'll try to be short:

My name is Ionut. I recently became a father and I'm so happy about it, but this is my only joy in life at this moment.

I made some bad decissions in the past and they follow and impact my life even now, after years. I tried to make my own business but it failed after I used all my economies. After that, I turned my sight to gambling and sport betting thinking they could be my problem solver, but I couldn't be more wrong. Actually, they deepened my depression and problems. Now, my family has deal with my mistakes and my inner problems, altough i try very hard to not influence my wife's and my baby's energy. We both work very hard but apparently is not enough. I'm clean from gabling for about 7 months, i cut my cigarettes to a pack every 3 days, i stopped using my car just to save money, we started to plan our budgets and this is still not enough. My mental state doesen't help too much and I can't figure a way out.

I think that my thoughts and mental state are also influenced by my childhood. My parents didin't do so good as a couple. My mom got schizophrenia in 2007 and my father basically abandoned us slowly over the years.

This is a short version of my life story.

I don't know what to do so I exposed my situation here, with the hope that I can escape from this mess, but honestly, I don't expect ppl to actually donate money for such thing cuz everyone has their own problems.

Thank you!

P.S. I am willing to do something in exchange for these money, as long as it is humanly and ethic. I can provide a website or ad campaigns set-ups.

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