id: jzhe46

Evry day is a chance to begin again

Evry day is a chance to begin again

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Hello everyone, I would like to ask everyone for your help and tell a little story about my life and the mistakes I have made, or maybe just what I consider bad decisions in life. First, I apologize for the irregular language, because I will translate this story into different languages with the help of a translator. And if I have offended, hurt or otherwise disappointed someone in my life, I am truly sorry and I hope you will not judge me. This story will be a small part of my life, but if I can fix the mistakes, I will share more about myself and maybe even make a documentary, although there are a lot of movie plots to be made here.

So, I am a young entrepreneur, well maybe not quite young, I am now 32 years old. I still have a wife and two beautiful children. 6 and 2 years old. Obviously due to my lifestyle and routine, we have come to a situation where we are currently starting divorce proceedings, and I will only have my ex-wife and two beautiful children who are the greatest joy in my life and for whose future I have sacrificed the present to have the most meaningful time together. My situation is unenviable, maybe it is the beginning or the end of the entrepreneur's path, or maybe just a lesson - time will show me. Right now, I'm pressed by the urge to pay off my debts, get everything right and start over with my existing experience. So, if you take a little time, I will try to interest you and share my feelings and thoughts and experiences from my personal life. And this is not the plot of a movie, at least I hope so, but if I manage to deal with this situation, I will definitely try to write a script about my life experiences and maybe I will be able to make a good movie where I can reveal the actions that I cannot tell about and will not tell anyone, it will be can be considered a creation.

I currently need help to cover the debts and obligations that have arisen, or just to win a little more time. I don't expect that this letter will fix everything, but maybe it will help to fix everything as soon as possible, or maybe you will just help me get time to fix everything correctly as soon as possible, for which I will be very grateful, and if you want to cooperate, maybe we will become business partners in the future. I am the owner of two companies, and through mistake, negligence and not knowing how to handle documents, I made a lot of mistakes, I did not follow and control the activities of the companies, maybe because I constantly tried to earn as much as possible, I sacrificed my time by working even after 10-20 hours a day, and sometimes even more, and a constant rush. My record was 72 hours of non-stop work. Of course, it's nothing to be proud of, that I didn't respect my health like that, and it backfired after that. But I just don't see any other way. I had to work, both physical and strategic work. Of course, when I got to such a situation that I dared to raise my hand in front of myself out of desperation and pressure and mobbing, I decided that it was necessary to ask people for help or at least share the story so that you don't make such mistakes yourself. I would advise every young entrepreneur to start a business by clarifying the tax system and principle, and carefully follow the results, so that afterwards you don't have to look for where mistakes were made, and it doesn't take a lot of time to fix that. Just find a really good financial assistant, so that there are no problems in the future and you can focus on your activity and you would have access at any time to see the current situation and to be trained on how everything is calculated and to understand the whole principle, just calculating the profit is not enough, but it is very cool if you understand that it is, but the biggest advice, never blind trust other people's advice, because only you and yourself can understand your intentions and strategy. Even your decisions should be thought through many times and take your time when making important and future-determining decisions. And it's very strange and very unfortunate that if you start to succeed, there are jealous people who don't like what you're doing, and if they step on you and you stumble, it's quite difficult to get up after that, because even when you're "lying down, they try to kick you". But the most important thing is to find out who is who, and sometimes when you think that some people want to harm you and you understand afterwards, you understand that there is a solution to every situation and not necessarily your enemies are your real enemies, as sometimes you can understand that the devil can be too incarnated in a lamb's skin. In my case, time has shown that those who blamed others more and diverted my attention by pretending to be helpers were not being truthful. It is very important to isolate toxic people in the environment and try to communicate with them as little as possible, but if you do not communicate with them, you will not understand how they work, and their strategies are only good if you direct them in a good direction. In my case, I researched such strategies a little too long and hurt myself, but I still hope that I can rebuild everything, and the success story is still ahead.

My goal s was and is a transparent and good team and trade. I also like to sell, especially good and high-quality items. I sought to prove that a working and dedicated person can achieve anything. At the moment, I am developing the trade in air conditioners and heating systems, the market is really good, you can earn well, but it also requires effort and hard work if you want the customer to remain satisfied, and the working conditions are certainly not the best, because the installation work is usually done during the heat or cold, there are really extreme conditions both outdoors and indoors, but with effort and having good equipment and a good team, good results can be achieved. But there are certain obligations as in every trade (warranty service and service work). This is not my dream job and I never dreamed of working like this, I was only tempted by good earnings, but if you have a good team, a team that is dedicated to you and works together, you can achieve very high results, but as in every field, if you gather a good team, you will definitely succeed and the results will please everyone. Of course, my usual mistakes were trusting and not understanding why this happens, when many said we do it for you, it's just a small misunderstanding, how the desire to harm can help you, because of the lessons, how you can be treated and how you can be used, it seems very it's strange, because sometimes it would be enough to explain certain rules and if there are specific uncertainties, a conversation is the best tool. But when working in business, you can never blindly trust anyone, because some people create and develop business by eliminating competitors, while others create it by trying to overtake competitors, and working with them is really very useful if there is something to learn from. After all, the business principle is the same, it doesn't matter what you sell, whether it's a conditioner or a vibrator or advice, it's important to get to know the customer and offer the product he wants, to meet his requirements and the product meets the standards and expectations of the customer.

What I have experienced during these years in business is hard to describe and hard to prove, such phenomena as: Mobbing, brainwashing, stalking, pretending to be sick, computer hacking and data theft, direct damage to your business, complete destruction while pretending to do good, stalking and even controlling your every move and making fun of that in bad feelings. And making fun of him, which in the story I lost the trust of existing suppliers that I did business with, lost the trust of my family, disappointed some clients by not being able to concentrate on my work and got a scar on my chest that could have ended tragically. Maybe it's love, maybe it's hatred or maybe it's competition, but I'm not going to try to prove it and look for what's behind it all, I just want to get my life back on track, pay off my debts and start living. After all, I am still only 32 years old, and from the age of 12-13 I started working hard to have something. For the first time, when I was 27 or 28 years old, I understood what it means to take a vacation while working less. And when I went on vacation, I still was tried to make sell online to be able to survive here.

So right now, my biggest desire is to get away from the harmful environment, create a new business, find new partners and build a good team so that I can take good care of the future of my children and family, and everyone who cooperates will get full benefits. I plan to conduct trade both online and to establish physical stores and gather and attract as many people as possible to the activity so that we can distribute as many different goods as possible and attract as many customers as possible and expand the selection of goods.

It is very difficult for me to ask for help, I don't know if I will be understood, but I hope that you will help me, and I will get a little more time and I will be able to organize everything and offer you to become part of my new beginning. I am making action: I am starting to sell off company assets and my own property also have real estate that I bought with a loan that has increased in value and that would really help with the issues. I would just like to help my children after the divorce and be able to take care of them. I'm determined to sell everything so that I don't owe anyone anything and I can start all over again with less mistakes and less pressure and I hope I can pass on my knowledge and share my experience with other people so that they don't have to go through what I went through, and they do not try to raise a hand against yourself or harm yourself in any other way. In my opinion, such an experience, when you get a second chance to live, must mean something and it means that I still must do something very good and useful for the world and humanity. Or at least to raise children as decent citizens to spread as much good as possible in this world of ours.

Thank you for listening and I look forward to your help and cooperation. Be blessed.

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