id: g84avg



Οι χρήστες μας δημιούργησαν 1 M εράνους
και συγκέντρωσαν € 326 M*

Για ποιο σκοπό θα κάνετε έρανο σήμερα;
Δημιουργήστε έρανο
*Ποσό εκφρασμένο σε ευρώ με βάση τη μέση σταθμισμένη ισοτιμία των δωρεών σε όλα τα νομίσματα. Για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες επισκεφθείτε επίσης το


Dear friends and family,

I recently travelled to Africa and met a few truly amazing people. One one them is Mohamed. My friends and I met him on a market in in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He showed us his city and while we invited him for dinner he told us about his life in Dar es Salaam. He is 21 years old and has wife who has recently lost a child and since then has been suffering from the internal injuries of the surgery necessary to save her life after the miscarriage. He works all day to earn the money for her medication and because of that he is also six months behind o his rent. His rent is 40.000 Tanzanian schilling a month, so he owes his landlord about 90 Euro. This is an incredible amount of money to him.

Mohamed told us he is dreaming of owning his own business, maybe a clothing shop, one day to be able to get off the streets, support his family and lead a more comfortable life. Currently he is buying clothing and trying to sell the few pieces he is carrying around with him in his backpack with a little profit to people on the streets. On a really good day he earns 10.000 Tanzanian Schilling which equals 3,74Euro. However, most days he doesn't even sell anything.

I wanted to create this fundraising page for him because I think he deserves a little support in a country where the government doesn't offer any to their people. 1 Euro is so meaningless to us while it is enough to provide a family with a meal. I am hoping to be able to raise enough money so Mohamed can his 6 month dept with his landlord and by this make his life a little easier.

I know there is so many people who deserve our help and I know that we cannot help every single one but I would love to make this young man smile and at least take one of the many burdens he should not be carrying at this young age off of his shoulders.

A little donation of 1 or 2 Euros is enough and already a big support :) I obviously will not take any of the donations for myself and will send them straight to Mohamed and his wife.

Thank you for reading! :)

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