id: djt5ur

Surgery Cost for my dog

Surgery Cost for my dog

Για ποιο σκοπό θα κάνετε έρανο σήμερα;
*Ποσό εκφρασμένο σε ευρώ με βάση τη μέση σταθμισμένη τιμή των δωρεών σε όλα τα νομίσματα. Για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες επισκεφθείτε επίσης το


Hello. I am raising money for the costs of surgery and treatment for my dog.

Her name is Tosia ❤️

Two weeks ago she had an accident... while chasing around the apartment with the second dog I have (Fluffy), Tosia's imagination got carried away. She jumped onto the sofa with momentum, jumped onto the table, slipped and then fell with great force on her hip onto the tiles😥 we only heard a loud crash.... Open fracture....😥 the bone broke in a very complicated way, there was nothing to put back together.

Simply put, the surgeon had to use a titanium plate and screws to connect the remains of the hip bone. The photos show the costs of surgery and treatment and an information card about Tosia's treatment ❤️

I will be grateful for every penny you donate ❤️

P.S. I apologize for any spelling mistakes! English isn't my first language.

Δεν υπάρχει ακόμη περιγραφή.

Δεν υπάρχει ακόμη περιγραφή.

Δωρεές 1

Oana D
20 €


2500 χαρακτήρες
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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