id: 3ggb6c

Food for orphaned kids at Saint Mary’s School

Food for orphaned kids at Saint Mary’s School

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Saint Mary’s School here in Mombasa hosts 150 orphaned children. 

Even though they look joyful, these little guys haven’t had any food for days. Their school used to provide meals for them but now there is no money left. 

The food required to feed ALL of the 150 kids for a day costs just about 10 €.

I am stepping in and pledged to provide them with food for a whole year. I am asking for your support to make this dream come true.

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Δωρεές 79

Andreea Blidaru
100 €
Anca Malciolu
10 €
100 €
Μη εγγεγραμμένος χρήστης
135 €
Sorina-Marinela Vasile
20 €
30 €
10 €
Luminita Ene
70 €
100 €
Mihai Botezatu
50 €
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Σχόλια 1

2500 χαρακτήρες