id: 38jre9

Save Plato's Academy in Athens, Greece

Save Plato's Academy in Athens, Greece

Για ποιο σκοπό θα κάνετε έρανο σήμερα;
*Ποσό εκφρασμένο σε ευρώ με βάση τη μέση σταθμισμένη τιμή των δωρεών σε όλα τα νομίσματα. Για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες επισκεφθείτε επίσης το


 The archaeological grove of Plato's Academy is the most important recreation, cultural and sports area and the largest green area for the western part of the municipality of Athens, Greece.

However, the municipality of Athens and the Ministry of Culture, in the upcoming projects to highlight the park, are planning the removal of 580 large trees and the cutting of 60 acres of free use out of the park's total area of just 100 acres!

Specifically, the 1st leg of the project includes the remodeling of the archaeological pits. According to the municipality of Athens, this initially includes "the immediate removal of 314 trees". The final toll is far greater and will lead to the destruction of the local ecosystem, depriving people, animals and birds of valuable vegetation, while enhancing air pollution and the urban heat island effect.

In the 2nd leg, a 30-acre Museum is to be placed within the park. Two pitches and vital green and free-use space will be removed in this way.

 On the contrary, the residents propose the location of the museum outside the park and next to it, in the former abandoned industrial area next to the park. For the residents of the Plato Academy, but also of Athens as a whole, who use the park every day, a beneficial redevelopment would include new tree plantings instead of destroying the existing vegetation, lively socializing spaces, new sports grounds and playgrounds instead of turning into real estate and the touristization of yet another public space, bicycle paths connecting the neighbouring archaeological and cultural sites, instead of the absence of a transportation study in the siting of a museum in a neighbourhood with a finite road network.

A design that would accommodate us would be beneficial.

In their planned projects, in their self interests, in life in mockups and in concrete cages, we put forward the necessity of the expansion of green space, free public space, archaeological research that intertwines knowledge of the past with the present, respect for the environment and the inhabitants, the right to the city.

Support our fight for the right to public space, green space, the city.

Be a part of it.

The proceeds of the crowdfunding will be allocated exclusively to cover legal costs in the battle against the impending destruction of the archaeological grove of Plato's Academy.

Δεν υπάρχει ακόμη περιγραφή.

Δεν υπάρχει ακόμη περιγραφή.



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Δεν υπάρχουν ακόμα δωρεές, γίνετε πρώτοι δωρητές!



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