id: 282fzd

WildBees Poland - 3D printing for Ukraine

WildBees Poland - 3D printing for Ukraine

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  • 27.09.2024 - We are still working for Ukraine's victory. This month we went to Pokrovsk and the surrounding area, delivering thousands of prints, a 3D printer and a Jammer, which (thanks to you), can save the lives of many Soldiers and also other devices, gloves, canned food... The 3D printer and Jammer cost around $3,500. Soldiers express their gratitude for your continued support! Thank you! RyhSyd5IhgJfuHC6.jpggGGMXFeUXLdGCL34.jpg0V2zj9a0Dymwx9Yb.jpgUHmynL2Z2yS3rDEI.jpg1tSdFcbyLGMvL6pS.jpg

    2500 χαρακτήρες

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Προσθέστε ενημερώσεις και κρατήστε τους υποστηρικτές ενήμερους για την πρόοδο της εκστρατείας.
Αυτό θα αυξήσει την αξιοπιστία του εράνου σας και τη δέσμευση των δωρητών.


I am the founder of the Polish 3D printing group for Ukrainian soldiers, called WildBees 🐝. We bring together people (bees) from all over the world.

Until now (June 2024), we have printed and delivered over 1 500,000 printed elements such as: periscopes, imitations of unexploded ordnance for learning in schools (thanks to WildBees Sweden), Starlink protection caps and many others.

We helped to raise over 20 000 EUR for Units as: Georgian Legion, U24, Norman Brigade, FrontlineKit, Kraken Unit.

Our entire group is financed by members from their own pockets. After more than 1.5 years, our finances are very limited and we have to ask you for help🙏

We need monthly support of 1,500 EUR for printing material and shipping. If we collect more, we will be able to buy new printers, which will increase our production capacity.

Additional financing will also allow us to implement other projects:

- boots for sappers

- new printers with a larger working area

- organizing training for children in schools on how to recognize land mines

До перемоги !!!

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Χρήσιμοι σύνδεσμοι 1

Δωρεές 97

Piotr K
300 €
Κρυμμένα δεδομένα
10 €
20 €
20 €
Μη εγγεγραμμένος χρήστης
50 €
50 €
Mike Adamzek
10 €
Κρυμμένα δεδομένα
20 €
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Σχόλια 2

2500 χαρακτήρες