id: 3vnuf8

I wanna pay all my debts and help my girlfriend to pay her

I wanna pay all my debts and help my girlfriend to pay her

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Hi, my name is Nenad, 37 years old, come from Croatia but for now I'm living and working in Berlin, Germany.

But, unfortunately, I have a lot of debts, for some of them it's my fault but for some it's not. I am not gambler or drunker or anything like that, I just hadn't luck in my life. Same as my girlfriend. She live in Switzerland where I have plan to moving out. She is alone with 2 kids (not mine but I love them as they are) and she fight every day. She work 2 jobs but still isn't enough to survive all month. Same as me. I'm working at airport in Berlin but still I don't have enough money to pay my debts.

So, I'm asking you, good people, to help me with that so then me and my girlfriend and kids can start a new life together without worrying would we have next day something for eat.

Thank you all in advance and God bless you all.



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