id: w6v2m4

For medical fees and two month rent

For medical fees and two month rent

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As in the past my Invalidity pension hasn't arrived yet. Which is making it really hard for me to get by. Recently I had a sudden drop of my hemoglobin and had to do a transfusion.. It is getting worst each time and having a hard time getting by. i am continuing with my hemo dialysis three time a week. So it is also almost impossible for me to work. I have worked all my life, now that I am 70 years old or young which you prefer, I feel the weight to have to get by all by myself. If you can, even with a small doneaion, please do so. I would appreciate it very much, I thank you all for the attention you are giving me.

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Kommentarer 2

2500 tegn
  • MK
    Mary Kay Helfrich

    I migliori auguri di buona salute.

    80 €
  • MS
    Michele Sigillo

    Good luck

    100 €