id: rzwna9

Help Porto Alegre

Help Porto Alegre

Hvad vil du indsamle penge til i dag?
*Beløb udtrykt i euro baseret på den vægtede gennemsnitskurs for donationer foretaget i alle valutaer. Besøg også for yderligere oplysninger.


I hope you're all safe. Just wanted to give you all a heads up about what's going on here in Rio Grande do Sul and Porto Alegre. We're facing the worst flood in history, and it's hitting hard. Some friends and their families have lost everything, and many are struggling to get back on their feet. The situation is dire, with around 30% of the capital affected.

I'm creating this savings account to help friends and their families, and all money will be donated to them. Any amount, no matter how small, is more than welcome to assist those who have lost everything in the past few days. 

Thank you for your support.

Der er ingen beskrivelse endnu.

Der er ingen beskrivelse endnu.

Donationer 40

Walter Lutz
50 €
Sacha van Drunen
15 €
Skjulte data
20 €
Uregistreret bruger
20 €
Salman Naimat
50 €
5 €
Uregistreret bruger
50 €
30 €
Uregistreret bruger
50 €
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2500 tegn
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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