id: bjnbd3

Pentru Operatie la ochi in Germania

Pentru Operatie la ochi in Germania


I am a serious person who works and so far I have not needed any help. The medical problems made me try this site as well in the hope that maybe someone will be able to help me with as little as possible for an eye infection without which I will soon be unable to see. The operation can only be done in Germany because it is very complicated and costs almost 20,000 Euros, money that no matter how hard I try in Romania I cannot make it. Anyone who knows Romania knows why. I don't grow up and I never begged, I worked honestly but in the current conditions I can't make this amount which for me means life and I can still support my family. I'm not asking for mercy, just HELP. Maybe for some the sum of 20,000 Euros is not big, but for me it is the possibility to return to normal life. Thanks to this site for this possibility to try the impossible. God help you all.

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