id: 5zw4de

Fund a family business

Fund a family business


Hello, my name is Andrew and I currently live in Porto with my partner and our three year old daughter. I am looking to raise recurring funds in order to support my starter business that allows families who are travelling to rent baby equipment from 'host' families, saving them the hassle of bringing heavy and bulky equipment with them. The platform also allows families who have baby equipment they no longer need to earn some extra cash from renting their equipment out. The site will be available all over Europe and the funding is to cover the costs of hosting the platform and for marketing and admin costs in order to get the business up and running to a point where we are covering our own costs.

Der er ingen beskrivelse endnu.

Der er ingen beskrivelse endnu.

Fordele ved tilbagevendende donationer:
Arrangøren modtager 100% af dine midler - vi opkræver ikke noget gebyr.
Du har fortsat fuld kontrol - du kan til enhver tid stoppe supporten uden forpligtelser.
Arrangøren kan fokusere fuldt ud på sit arbejde
Du får permanent adgang til indlæg og en særlig udmærkelse
Du behøver ikke at huske på de næste betalinger
Det er nemmere, end du tror :)



ingen donationer endnu, vær den første til at donere!

Ingen donationer endnu, vær den første til at donere!



2500 tegn
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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