id: 4yxe4u

Support for the Deaf artist Edyta

Support for the Deaf artist Edyta

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*Beløb udtrykt i euro baseret på den vægtede gennemsnitskurs for donationer foretaget i alle valutaer. Besøg også for yderligere oplysninger.


My name is Edyta Kozub and am a Visual Vernacular (VV) artist. I was born deaf, and my younger siblings are also deaf, but my parents are hearing. I use sign language every day, which I am passionate about and a lecturer for over 13 years. Have worked in various places, even at the University of Warsaw. I have also been involved for many years in expanding knowledge and promoting a wide range of Deaf Culture.

My adventure with VV began at the end of 2017. At first sight, I fell in love with this unique technique of artistic expression, which had not been known in Poland before. Watching the storytelling using VV's specific gestures, I feel deeply immersed, as if being there really. VVs have become a way for me to discover the world and become aware of the processes taking place in it. I am grateful to have grown up in such beautiful conditions and would like the same for future generations. I would like them to experience Deaf culture and all the arts that I have had the opportunity to experience.

I performed on stage not only in Poland, but also abroad. So far, I have created over 20 different VV stories, and have published 10 VV videos on my YouTube channel. For more information and videos that can be found on my website (

So far, I have travelled all over Europe for my performances, sometimes at my own expense, and am also creating new VV videos at my own expense. The purpose of this collection is to collect money for my development and further new ideas. Every euro you donate brings us closer not only to my goal of representing Poland, but also supports my current and future works, which I have previously presented for free on Instagram and YouTube.

Der er ingen beskrivelse endnu.

Der er ingen beskrivelse endnu.

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Donationer 2

1 €
Iain Scott-Burdon
50 €

Kommentarer 1

2500 tegn
  • IS
    Iain Scott-Burdon

    I absolutely love watching you doing your VV as your skill is magnificent so I support you 100% with the donation!

    50 €