id: 29dfr5

Cég megmentése

Cég megmentése

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*Beløb udtrykt i euro baseret på den vægtede gennemsnitskurs for donationer i alle valutaer. Besøg også for yderligere oplysninger.


Let's save the jobs of 100 Europeans! Unfortunately, we are still not over the negative consequences of the Covid epidemic. The economic consequences weighed much more heavily on us. It caused a loss of 1,500,000 Euros to our company, of which we have been able to recover only half to date, but if we do not get urgent help, we will be completely ruined. 800,000 Euros are needed within 5 months and everyone's job will be saved.

Der er ingen beskrivelse endnu.

Der er ingen beskrivelse endnu.


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Tilbud/auktioner 4

Køb, støtte.

Køb, støt. Læs mere

Oprettet af arrangøren:
Donation & Thanks
Recognized supporter
For those who support us with a minimum of 50 Euros

50 €

Donation & Thanks
Silver Supporter
For those who support us with a minimum of 100 Euros

100 €

Donation & Thanks
Gold Supporter
For those who support us with a minimum of 300 Euros

300 €

Donation & Thanks
Platina Supporter
For those who support us with a minimum of 500 Euros

500 €



2500 tegn
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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