id: v2fgwp

Help for Animals

Help for Animals

Na co budete dnes sbírat peníze?
*Částka vyjádřená v eurech na základě váženého průměru darů ve všech měnách. Další podrobnosti naleznete také na stránkách


Hello!I always loved animals and I am trying my best to help them in any way I can,I give them food,water,and I find them loving owners.Aa much as I love it,it can get very tough,right now we have 2 dogs that needs to go to the vet,they are sick and I can't pay the bill,I have no money left so if anyone out there is willing to help me and those little furry buddies,we would be very appreciative!Thank you in advance,let's make the world a better place!💌

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2500 znaky
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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