id: k2h3hb



Na co budete dnes sbírat peníze?
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My name is Andreas and I'm living in Cyprus.

The reason why iam asking for money is to buy a used motorcycle. I'm 45 years old divorced with one daughter. I had a cancer and heavy depression.Now in therapy with heavy meditation for the last 8 years now. Currently im try to find a job to get on my feet again. I've studied in USA as a motorcycle mechanic with Ducati specialization. The bike and my daughter are the reasons that am still alive and thats why am asking for money because it helps me with my mind. Also I used to go for track days and lessons. So please 🙏 if you have anything to help me I will be grateful. It's the first time for me to ask for money. I don't know if you can contact me but if you can and you want to ask me something or you want a proof why I'm asking for money please contact me.

Thank you in advance

Andreas Zissimos

P.s 1st photo it's me and my daughter and the second it's me on the race track

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2500 znaky
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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