id: jtfsmf

Help a family

Help a family

Na co budete dnes sbírat peníze?
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Hello everyone !

My name is Maria! I am here because I am trying to find a way to help a family ! There is a family of 3 in a small village near the city of kalamata in Greece. The parents are two young who are in struggle with their economies… They have issues with their home. It is old enough with a lot of damages such as they don’t have hot water , they don’t have heating, the refrigerator broke …

they don’t have help from their family because the young woman hasn’t parents or family members. Her parents die before two years …. The young man works a lot but the money aren’t enough to renovate the home….

their baby grow up in a home with no heat , no hot water. They don’t eat well because the spend money to buy baby milk.

the mother can’t work right now, because she haven’t help with the baby. There is not a school to leave the baby in order to work because they live in a small village.

it will be helpful every 1 euro !

thank you !

i appologise for my English

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2500 znaky
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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