id: emreg7

Sanctuary, home, gallery, protection

Sanctuary, home, gallery, protection


Hello to everyone.

I was thinking long time to ask for help to people who I don’t know but decided to try.

So many things happened to me and my children, all the years we roam around the world not because of choice but because of coercion.

I had to run away with the children from my husband who was damaging me and my children by humulitating, yelling, offending and so many, many other horrible behaviours.

After all he all the time tries to take away children from me.

All the time lies about me but children don’t won’t to meet him. I asked him to go to the therapy but he doesn’t agree he has any problem.

Courts, police, etc… omg! When it will finish 🥶😭

I’ve got some money from my grandfather and I started to built a house for me

and children.

But now I run out from money. I rent a flat.

I work for part time.

this year I start studies. Environmental Protection.

I didn’t study when I was younger I had yo work.

and now , I don’t have qualification and no possibility to finish the house.

I have three children. 12 years old. 9 years old. 6 years old.

a cat and a rabbit.

I love to paint and love to read, learn, do sculptures.

Id like our house wild be an open space

and open place to good people. I want to invite

you to my house when it will be finished.

To show that place, to host you.

I have my own project. I’m also amateur designer and more.

Later I will write more.

This month I ask you for money to finish instalations, electrical, water and sewage installation and plasters.

mont ago I was driving almost 30 years car for 19 hours to collect styrofoam on the floors.

i do so many things by myself but I don’t have enough power in my body, not enough time.

more details in the next update.

all the best, please help.

Zatím neexistuje žádný popis.

Zatím neexistuje žádný popis.

Výhody opakovaných darů:
Organizátor obdrží 100 % vašich prostředků - neúčtujeme žádné poplatky.
Zůstáváte plně pod kontrolou - podporu můžete kdykoli ukončit bez jakýchkoli závazků.
Organizátor se může plně soustředit na svou práci
Získáte trvalý přístup k příspěvkům a zvláštní ocenění.
Na další platby nemusíte pamatovat.
Je to jednodušší, než si myslíte :)


Nabídky/aukce 1

Koupit, podpořit, prodat, přidat.

Koupit, podpořit, prodat, přidat. Více informací na

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Vytvořil organizátor:
Art & Craft • Paintings
My painting
My canvas painted from September 2021 till March 2022.Oil and acril paints.50X70 cm size.The Gates.The Light.The Warm.The Road.these are the names of ...

Konečná cena

8000 €

Schránky na peníze

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2500 znaky
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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