Black Winter - Support an independent movie.
Black Winter - Support an independent movie.
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Hello world.My name is Gabriel. I'm a young videographer. Since I was a kid, I was fascinated by cinematography. I used to watch a lot of movies on my dad's VHS. Now, I have over 17 years of experience in videography and photography. Now I feel like the time has come, I'm ready to make my own movie, to make my dream come true! It's going to be a hard journey, but that's the beauty of it. This film is a post apocalyptic scenario, but in a very deep spiritual manner. Basically, it's about human faith. If you feel like you can help us out, we would be very, very thankful. Every single small donation takes us one step closer to be able to finish this amazing project. Thank you! God bless.
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Vytvořte sledovací odkaz, abyste zjistili, jaký dopad má vaše sdílení na tuto sbírku.