id: 2h3j38

Art Café in the Land of Orpheus

Art Café in the Land of Orpheus

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"Art Cafe Rakidzhinitza" is a project that aims to showcase the works of local artists in the Rhodope Mountains. The café will be constructed in the village of Kosovo, surrounded by pristine nature and historical sites. The Rhodope Mountains are a famous mountain range, known for their Thracian sanctuaries, and as the birthplace of Orpheus and Spartacus. You can help us create this artistic space by making a donation. For those who donate and wish to visit the village and the future café, we will provide a free organized walk or tour and coffee. Your donation will contribute to the betterment of this small but significant village.

"Art Cafe Rakiidjinitaз" project supports the local community by showcasing the work of local artists. Kosovo, the location where we intend to open our Art Cafe "Rakidjinitsa," is situated precisely in the central part of this mountain range, which boasts a rich history of over 10,000 years, replete with mysticism, spirit, and mystery. The village is surrounded by hills adorned with pristine nature, and its hamlets are crossed by four never-drying streams. It is located 5 km from the balneological resort of Narechenski Bani, making it an ideal destination for those seeking a peaceful and nature-filled experience. The village remains untouched by time and is surrounded by enchanting nature with hours-long trails and paths in the forest. There are quite a few places of worship located around the village and the main church, which recently celebrated its 170th anniversary. The Rhodopes are a mountain range renowned for being home to numerous Thracian sanctuaries such as Kara Kaya, Kozi Kamak, Belintash, Perperek, Tatul, Harman Kaya, and over 100 other locations, where Thracian priests received knowledge from the universe, planets, and stars above.


This project is an inspiring endeavor that seeks to create a safe and creative space for art enthusiasts who wish to connect with nature. Visitors who donate funds will be offered free guided walks and tours to experience the beauty of the surroundings.


On June 21, 2024, the doors will open, marking a new chapter in the journey of art and nature.

Kosovo is easily accessible from Asenovgrad (30 km), Pamporovo (36 km), Plovdiv (50 km), and Sofia (197 km). The village was settled in the 17th century by settlers from Staro Selo to the White Church Monastery (there is a wonderful eco-trail to these old places). The heyday of the village was at the end of the 19th century when most of the houses that have remained to this day were built. The livelihood of the population was animal husbandry, agriculture, carpentry, and masonry.

Kosovo is home to several sights, including the Ossuary, a place made to serve as the final resting place of human skeletal remains of people who were forcibly slaughtered and killed in Staro Selo by the Ottoman conquerors. Other sights include the Assumption Church from 1851, the Pilgrimage House from 1853, the old school from 1889, the mill, the chapels of Saint Peter, Saint Sunday, Saint George, Saint Ivan, the Holy Spirit, and the pilgrimage path built by the local people with the chapels of Saint Petka, Saint Dimitar, Saint George, Saint Haralampi, and Saint Marina.

In Kosovo village, the typical Rhodope Revival architecture has been preserved. Some interesting walking routes for those who like hiking in the mountains are to the sheep farm "Bash Mandra" - 7.1 km one way, through the Bukovo area to Narechenski Bani - 8.6 km one way, to the meadows with wild apples on the way to Hvoyna - 7.6 km one way, from Kosovo village to Staro selo - 9.7 km one way, to the chapels of St. Ivan and the Holy Spirit - 3.3 km both ways, to the chapels of St. Peter and St. Ivan - 3.1 km both ways, and to the chapels of St. George and Father God - 3.6 km both ways.

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2500 znaky
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