id: 28ncwd

Ukrainian woman who lost her family and home

Ukrainian woman who lost her family and home

Neaktivní dary - požadovaná operace organizátora sbírky. Pokud jste Organizátor - přihlaste se na a proveďte požadovanou akci.
Aktivní pokladničky na sbírku: 1
Přidání pokladničky do sbírky

Na co budete dnes sbírat peníze?
*Částka vyjádřená v eurech na základě váženého průměru darů ve všech měnách. Další podrobnosti naleznete také na stránkách

Přeložit fundraiser do 


Přeložit fundraiser do 


Původní text přeložen do Česky

Původní text přeložen do Česky


The story of a 18-year-old Ukrainian woman who lost her family and home. I woke up again to the sound of bombing. I ran out of my room and saw that my window was broken. The air was full of dust and smoke.

"Mom, Dad, where are you?" I cried. "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

I couldn't hear them. I ran around the house, but they were nowhere to be found.

Outside, it was dark and cold. There was gunfire and explosions everywhere.

"I have to find them," I said to myself.

I ran out of the house and hurried into the street. People were running and screaming everywhere around me.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of an airplane. I looked up and saw that it was coming towards us.

"It's falling!" I cried.

The plane crashed into a nearby house. The house immediately caught fire.

Did I kill my family and brother too?

I stood there and watched as my home burned. I felt completely alone and lost.

I knew I had to leave Ukraine. I wanted to be safe.

I crossed the border into Poland. In Poland, I met volunteers who helped me.

They put me up in a shelter and gave me food and clothes.

I decided I wanted to continue my studies. I applied to university in Bratislava.

In Bratislava, I met other Ukrainians who had lost their homes. We started helping each other.

I would be grateful for any contribution, it would help me a lot ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Zatím neexistuje žádný popis.

Zatím neexistuje žádný popis.


Zatím žádné dary, přispějte jako první!

Zatím žádné dary, přispějte jako první!

Neaktivní dary - nutná operace organizátora sbírky. Pokud jste Organizátor - přihlaste se a proveďte požadovanou akci.


2500 znaky
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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